About Workpro

Workpro is a case management tool designed and built by Computer Application Services Ltd.

For help and support, authorised users can access the Workpro helpdesk.

Workpro Component Versions

Workpro version

Configuration version

Configurator version

WorkproAdminCasePermissions 05.05.01

WorkproCaseActiveDocuments 05.05.01

WorkproCaseApprove 05.05.01

WorkproCaseClock 05.05.01

WorkproCaseCopy 05.05.01

WorkproCaseDocumentFromTemplate 05.05.01

WorkproCaseDocumentUpload 05.05.01

WorkproCaseEmail 05.05.01

WorkproCaseNote 05.05.01

WorkproCaseReopen 05.05.01

WorkproCaseSMS 05.05.01

WorkproCaseTask 05.05.01

WorkproCaseVoid 05.05.01

WorkproCaseCreate 05.05.01

WorkproAbout 05.05.01

WorkproDashboard 05.05.01

WorkproAdminConfigureDashboard 05.05.01

WorkproDataImporter 05.05.01

WorkproDocumentPublishing 05.05.01

WorkproDocumentRestore 05.05.01

WorkproDocumentView 05.05.01

WorkproFileManager 05.05.01

WorkproFileManagement 05.05.01

WorkproFormattedDataViewer 05.05.01

WorkproFormViewer 05.05.01

WorkproGridViewer 05.05.01

WorkproGridViewerCrm 05.05.01

WorkproIncomingEmail 05.05.01

WorkproInitialiser 05.05.01

WorkproInlineReports 05.05.01

WorkproLandingPage 05.05.01

WorkproListMaintenance 05.05.01

WorkproPageBuilder 05.05.01

WorkproQuickNotes 05.05.01

WorkproAdminConfigureReport 05.05.01

WorkproReportDisplayer 05.05.01

WorkproReportViewer 05.05.01

WorkproReports 05.05.01

WorkproSearch 05.05.01

WorkproSiteSettingEditor 05.05.01

WorkproSocialMedia 05.05.01

WorkproCaseSocialMedia 05.05.01

WorkproSyncUsers 05.05.01

WorkproTemplateBuilder 05.05.01

WorkproSystemUpgrade 05.05.01

WorkproUserSessionAdmin 05.05.01

WorkproUserPermission 05.05.01

WorkproUserSessionViewer 05.05.01

WorkproWebForm 05.05.01

WorkproWikiLinkSkinObject 05.05.01

WorkproAdminConfigureWorkflow 05.05.01

WorkproDocumentGrid 05.05.01

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Case Quick Note Category Edit
Case Quick Note Content Edit
RadEditor - HTML WYSIWYG Editor. MS Word-like content editing experience thanks to a rich set of formatting tools, dropdowns, dialogs, system modules and built-in spell-check.
RadEditor's components - toolbar, content area, modes and modules
Toolbar's wrapper  
Content area wrapper
RadEditor's bottom area: Design, Html and Preview modes, Statistics module and resize handle.
It contains RadEditor's Modes/views (HTML, Design and Preview), Statistics and Resizer
Editor Mode buttonsStatistics moduleEditor resizer
RadEditor's Modules - special tools used to provide extra information such as Tag Inspector, Real Time HTML Viewer, Tag Properties and other.
QuickNote Category View
Quick Note Content View Field Set